Ultimaker Metal Expansion Kit – Includes BASF Forward AM Ultrafuse 17-4 PH Filament


Print high-quality stainless steel parts on the Ultimaker Platform with the Ultimaker S5 and the Ultimaker Metal Expansion Kit. Thanks to the flexible print capabilities of the Ultimaker S5, you can now expand the application range of your Ultimaker s5 with metal. This means you can print small series* of small tools and auxiliary components in stainless steel in an easier and more efficient way, and at minimum cost.

*small series: 1-20 parts



  • BASF Forward AM Ultrafuse® 17-4 PH (1 kg)
  • Packaging for green parts and a voucher toward post-processing
  • Ultimaker Print Core CC 0.4
  • Magigoo Pro Metal (50 ml) adhesive
  • Free Ultimaker Cura software with optimized metal part slicing features
  • Access to exclusive metal FFF e-learning content on Ultimaker Academy

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